IMPORTANCE OF THE LORD’S SUPPER – Br. Sunil Albert [Audio sermon]

Passage of reference : John 12:1-3, John 13:1-5

John chapter 12 begins with a feast prepared for the Lord Jesus Christ at Bethany, and chapter 13 begins with a feast prepared by The Lord for the disciples. Br. Sunil Albert expounding from events that just preceded the Lord’s Supper, draws important lessons for Christians who are privileged today to hold this feast and remember the Lord Jesus Christ

CHURCH AND CHURCHES – Br. Varghese Kurian [Audio sermon]

Posted Below is the Sermon delivered by Br. Varghese Kurian, at Maharashtra Church Conference in the year 2009.

‘CHURCH AND CHURCHES’ is the inaugural message delivered by Br.Varghese Kurian at Maharashtra Church Conference, 2009. Br. Kurian explicitly defining the various meanings of the word ‘church’, as it appears in the scripture, and delving into the fundamentals of the doctrine of Church; sets the pitch for the remaining sermons to be delivered at the conference.

GOD’S CREATION: LESSON FOR FAMILY & CHURCH – Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland-[Audio sermon]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Phil Coulson at Christian Believers’ Assembly, Cantonment, Aurangabad.The sermon is a part of the series of Bible studies on the book of Ephesians.

Passage of reference:Ephesians 5:22-33

Br.Phil Coulson expounding from the Word of God, shows how God has been teaching His people, through his creation, some of the most important truths of Church and Family. Br.Coulson also emphasizes how the responsibility of restoring the fallen Family order at the garden of Eden, is resting upon His saints today.

THE LORD’S SUPPER – Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland- [Audio sermon]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br. Phil Coulson of Scotland at the Maharashtra Prophecy Conference, 2009.

In this sermon, Br. Coulson highlights the difference between the Lord’s Table (1 Cor 10) and the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor 11) and touches upon the believers’ ministry to angels. While the Lord’s Table represents the spiritual provision we enjoy from God every moment of the day, the Lord’s Supper is a weekly proclamation of the redeeming power of the Lord’s death; much like the annual celebration of the Passover was for Israel. Br. Coulson brings out how the only three visible acts done by Assemblies: Believer’s Baptism, Head Covering of the women, and the Lord’s Supper, are actions that ‘make known the manifold wisdom of God’ to His angels (Eph 3:10, I Cor 11:10). Through this sermon, the Spirit of God mightily uses Br. Coulson to elicit the headship and glory of Christ that pervades the doctrines and practices of His church.

THE LORD’S TABLE – Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland – [Audio sermon]

Br. Phil Coulson Expounds from the scripture, some spiritual truths on the fellowship Lord Jesus had with His Disciples in the upper room, just before He was crucified. It was the final Supper Lord Jesus had with the the disciples

When He celebrated the passover, He was looking back to the time when the first born of the Israelites was spared because of the lamb; and He was looking forward to the time when he will take part of the bread and wine in His Kingdom. Its so great to see that the very night when the nation arrested Him to crucify Him, He looked ahead into the time when the the nation would be restored and He would have fellowship with them.

Further the Sermon highlights the difference between the Last Supper and the Lord’s Table in 1 Corinthian 10 and the the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthian 11