COLOSSIANS – Introduction – Br. Godly Abraham -[Audio sermon]

Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Godly Abraham at Borivali Assembly on 2 August 2017.Passage of Reference: Col 1Book of Colossians was written to new believers at Colosse. It was in response to four different types of false doctrines that had crept silently into their midst, possibly by the arrival of some outsiders. Epaphras brought this to the notice of Apostle Paul while under house arrest in Acts 28. Paul, therefore, writes the four chapters to the believers encouraging them to strive for a life of perfection and maturity. The method and manner of perfection can be attained by the principles laid out in the four chapters of Colossians. In chapter 1, Paul exhibits the various aspects of the glory of Christ. Right near the center of the chapter, Paul places Christ in a place of superiority and unparalleled authority. He is utterly supreme and cannot be compared to any other leader or person. He is singular in his existence and his exercise. He is the Oneness from which all things are created.

FRIENDSHIP – [ Audio Sermon]

The Savior has called his disciples as his friends. What does that mean? As friends, he has shared secrets with them. Real friendship requires sacrifices. Disciples were made aware of the need to love each other and even lay down life for each other. In a similar way, believers are exhorted to love each other and be kind to each other as friends. Deep bonds should be made and we mus exhort each other. There are over 20 expressions of “one another” in NT which speak of our work towards each other. Exhort one another, love one another, forgiving one another, long-suffering and forbearance to each other are all hallmarks of a friend.

ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD – Br. Godly Abraham – [Audio sermon]

Enoch maintained a testimony before God which pleased him. About him we read that “he pleased God” (Heb 11:5). He lived in a desperately wicked society. The world then was pervaded by entertainment, violence, men busy with their work and immorality. Gen 4:19,20,21 and 23 speak of the times of Enoch. Yet Enoch maintained a pleasing testimony before God. At the age of 65, Enoch received a message that Judgement would come when his son dies. Based on this message, he names his son Methuselah which meant “After he dies, judgement will come”. So profound was the effect of the message that Enoch named his son after the message of God.Not only did he ensure that Methuselah was brought up in the ways of God but Noah his great grandson was also brought in the fear of the Lord. Methuselah lived 969 years and it showed God’s long suffering relationship with man that he would delay his judgement till Methuselah lived the longest life any man has lived. In this message, Enoch’s life and times are analysed. Enoch received a second message in Jude 14 and that message is concerning the second coming of the Lord. Enoch’s first message has been fulfilled and as surely as the Lord who gave the first message lives, the second message will also be fulfilled. Enoch’s testimony should encourage us to have a close relationship with God.

UNIVERSAL KINGDOM OF GOD -[Kingdom Study Series]

In this 1st sermon in Kingdom Study Series, the message underlines the importance in studying the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God can be said to have two phases
1. Universal Kingdom
2.Mediatorial Kingdom

The main characteristics of the Universal kingdom are as follows
1.Everlasting Kingdom
2.Operation Control through Providence
3.Operation Control through Supernatural means
4.Not dependent on its Subjects
5.Exists in Heaven and Earth without interruption