Rebecca Rajan- THE SOLE CONSTANT- [Poem]

Life is ever so fast-paced
Changing as often as ever
It is a writhing rat-race
Where you have to be clever.
Nothing remains permanent
Every moment is so fleeting
Capricious is life’s temperament
Everything keeps on changing.

Only my Lord never changes…………

Hannah Philip- LORD JESUS WHO I WORSHIP- [Poem]

The Lord whose name is wonderful in all the earth
The Lord known by the judgments He executes
The Lord who tests the men with His eyelids
The Lord who rains coals on the wicked
And smites the unrighteous with His power

The Lord who is the shield and our fortress
The Lord who is our rock and our comfort,
The Lord who saves His people from sin and death
The Lord who is greater than any god………………………

How Could Lord Jesus Wash The Feet Of His Disciples?

In John 13, Lord Jesus is seen taking the basin and the towel in utmost humility to wash His disciples’ feet.

But How could the Son of God- the object of worship in heaven, glorious in power; undertake such a humble act of a servant? What was He thinking of Himself when He took the basin and the Towel? Let the Scripture give these Glorious answers…….

Jesus Bowed his head

Jesus Bowed his head Passage of reference John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. Two things we glean …