THE HAND OF GOD Rolling Thunders, Folding Clouds, Smoking Mountains, Fiery Sky en-flames the horizon and thus shudders the soul. Heavy Hearts, Feeble feet, Knocking Knees, Shivering Hands, Rumbles and Tumbles, Pandemonium air And Nerve …

Rebecca Rajan- THE SOLE CONSTANT- [Poem]

Life is ever so fast-paced
Changing as often as ever
It is a writhing rat-race
Where you have to be clever.
Nothing remains permanent
Every moment is so fleeting
Capricious is life’s temperament
Everything keeps on changing.

Only my Lord never changes…………

Hannah Philip- LORD JESUS WHO I WORSHIP- [Poem]

The Lord whose name is wonderful in all the earth
The Lord known by the judgments He executes
The Lord who tests the men with His eyelids
The Lord who rains coals on the wicked
And smites the unrighteous with His power

The Lord who is the shield and our fortress
The Lord who is our rock and our comfort,
The Lord who saves His people from sin and death
The Lord who is greater than any god………………………


Many a people pressed, thronged and fell on Lord Jesus,
But it was the soft touch on the Hem of His garment,
Which was enough to heal the woman of her issue of blood;
Cause the touch was of faith- “Faith to make her Whole”.

The Morning Mist: Angels Beckon- poem

Mary approached the tomb of Christ weeping but she left worshiping him. The Tomb of Christ, ignored by Jerusalem, ignored by the world, is the most revered of place that the Christian can visit, spiritually, where the din of business and worldly clamor is replaced by quiet solitude with our Lord. It is the chamber where a genius, the creator, and our beloved decided to rest a while. It is only fitting that we spend time to find out more about this most honorable place. Angels beckon us as we read in Mathew 28: 6 “Come and see the place where our Lord lay”
A poetic composition on Mary encounter at the Tomb of Christ.


The Roman cross goes up in air
Hanging on it the Son of God,
Mocked Rejected, Despised by all
Marred beyond recognition.
” Father Forgive ” , was then the cry
Reaching the Great throne of God;
My head goes down & knees touch ground
As only God can say such Words.